Creating a joyful and stress reduced toddler environment (2024)


Working in a toddler classroom environment


Course description

Reducing stress in a toddler classroom

This 120 minute workshop explores different elements that toddler teachers encounter when working in a toddler classroom environment.  Typical toddler behavior is explored with why that behavior occurs and how educators can best support toddlers in learning how to self regulate and reduce the number of tantrums an meltdowns that undue stress can trigger in a toddler.

Temperament , a classroom checklist with self reflection components to assess areas where improvement can be made to reduce chaos in the classroom and reduced number of meltdowns and aggressive toddler behavior.  Transitions are also explored as a way to build in strategies for calmer transitions with toddlers

Learning Outcomes:

Participants will be able to

  • discuss the developmental abilities of toddlers related to self-regulation skills, language skills and cognitive skills and what this means in terms of typical toddler behavior
  • learn tips to help support a toddler during a tantrum-understanding the science behind it
  • discuss temperament and how to individualize behavior strategies related to children who have different temperaments
  • discuss how classroom environment and specific toys, arrangements and have a stressful impact or an engaging impact  on toddlers
  • discuss how transitions can create chaos or be calm


  • After purchase you will receive an email with Zoom Link for your virtual workshop within 48 hours
  • Please ensure that Zoom is installed and working on your device prior to the workshop. We ask that you log on 15 minutes prior to the first session to ensure there are no technical difficulties.
  • This is a 120 minute workshop
  • No Refunds for missed workshops, however you may request a rebooking (for scheduled workshops only) within 30 days of your original booking
  • Eastern Standard Time (Toronto ON Canada)
  • By registering for a workshop/course participants declare they have read, understood, and agree with all policies listed at the bottom of the page.


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